There are multiple new features in hcm solutions that HR has been asking for a long time. Features likes succession management, organization changes and comprehensive reporting providing accurate information are features that bring company’s management to the next level.  

The most needed features – succession management and organization changes

Especially in larger companies’ succession management is a well needed feature that helps planning the future changes and make sure you have the best people in right jobs. New and improved hr solutions have this and easy to use organization changes tool included. Whether you are working on a small changes or turning the whole organization layout over you can start planning well ahead.

Reporting to match your needs

You can never have too comprehensive reporting system. But sometimes even the smallest reporting tasks are taking too much time. Reporting is one of the best new features that has taken giant leap forward. Different dashboards to provide the latest information and wide selection of ready to use reports with possibility to inspect any given value you need at the moment. From now on reporting is one of the easiest and fastest thing to do!








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Modern hr solution is a versatile management tool that provides much needed information to managers and hr. Short and long term planning becomes easier, reporting more detailed and overall management more proficient.

Daily use requires quality

HR and manager’s management tool is often used daily. This adds up requirements for the solution that should be agile, diverse and usable whenever and where ever needed. More specific requirements include need to be part of strategic planning and implementing that strategy to daily business.

Planning and reporting to the next level

Manager’s days are often filled with different reporting tasks. What if you could just open your company’s hr solution and easily check out what is going on and create that needed report right away without external help? Different dashboards to different users show the latest information and are a great tool to manage all the important issues. Easy to use reporting provides wide range of reports that are versatile and ready to use.

Scalable cloud solution

When company grows it is even more important to have hr solution that supports that growth through good management. The next generation hr solution’s global availability and intuitive user interface with all platform access (mobile native) is providing the best base for company’s growth. That’s why manager’s number one tool is versatile hr solution!

Read more about the next generation hr solution









Digitalization and new innovations have lead the way to better technical solutions. Mobilization, user friendly design and more versatile features have added pressure to reconsider company’s current solution selection and update them to answer today’s needs. One solution that has gone through a total transformation is traditional HR solution.

Easy deployment and low costs

Old solution deployment projects have traditionally been quite long and time consuming. The next generation cloud solution makes it possible to shorten deployment time. It is even possible to start use it on the next day if needed! Because of the easy deployment process and more efficient cost structure it provides better solution with much better price tag. HR solutions have taken major steps forward during last years. Development combined with easy and fast start as well with lower costs is a great thing for all of us.

What’s next? HR and digitalization

Reporting and analyzing information is the next big thing. When HR solutions stops being an information dumpsite where data is just being storaged it can evolve to the next level. The next generation cloud solution is bringing HR to be part of company’s decision making process with accurate and always real-time data. Information is the key to successful business!







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Continuous changes in organization, new employees, new job descriptions and widely located people in different countries. Digitalization has already changed the way we work. How to manage all these changes and take them part of personnel management? How it effects to company’s decision making process?

Demand no.1: Real-time reporting

The amount of information has exploded during the past years. But there is still one big problem.  All this information about employees, their development and performance is stored somewhere deep in the old HR systems. In some cases maybe even on actual paper sheets. It is not real-time, it is not supporting company’s business and development and you definitely can’t see a whole picture without hours of extra work.

The next generation HCM solution has new and innovating approach towards reporting. All data is real-time so it can be used efficiently as a part of daily business. Combined together with analytic and predictive tools reporting becomes one of the most important part of your daily job. Reporting doesn’t need to be hard or time consuming task!

Demand no.2: Solution fit for everyone

Companies and employees are located around the globe which means there are new challenges to HR. Multiple languages, employee changes and continuous organization changes are adding more and more pressure to old HR solutions. The modern next generation solution is fit for everyone. Every employee has access to solution no matter where located. Digitalization makes it easy to guide development and performance as a part of human resources daily business.


Can your solution answer to these demands?

Read more about Solaforce HCM solution and it’s benefits.











Decision based on wrong reasons

Customers are often saying they would like to acquire their HR solution together with other solutions.  An idea of getting multiple solutions from the same vendor is tempting. Only few realizes that this is one of the most common mistake one can do when selecting HR solution.

Specific needs and demanding users

Idea of acquiring multiple solutions from the same vendor is actually quite weird. When you think of it more closely you can see there aren’t that many connections between HR and other solutions. Yes, there are solutions which both storage information about employees and their performance. For example similarities between payroll and HR solutions (that are surprisingly often acquired together) are almost nonexisting. One is used by couple users while other is used by every person on company. And while one stores data of every payment paid to employee will the other solution contain all the information of employment history, performance, development and etc. Only thing common to these two solution is data about payments.

HR’s needs for solution are more specific than what they can seem at first look. This solution should be the most important tool of human capital management processes and provide continuous information to management team.

HR solution is key to success

All the personnel data together in one solution with real-time reporting is one of the key issues to make company success. Business strategy can be effectively brought part of everyday work through well working goal setting and performance management. HR solution is much more than just an employee register, it is important part of your business.

It is easier than ever to choose the right solution based on your needs. Well-made decision that is based on right reasons is part of business success.





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Only 12 % of companies think their performance management process is working and the solution they are using is suitable for the job. This means that outstandingly almost 80 % of companies doesn’t think likewise and that present solutions are too complicated to use at all. Now is the best time to reconsider your current solution and look for a new one that makes it easier to set goals and report about results.

Modern solutions to performance management

The next generation HCM solution has intuitive and easy to use user interface. It provides all the needed functionalities to different user groups. Who needs solution that is a black hole of information without possibility to proper reporting and management? For example performance management isn’t just writing goals to somewhere and that’s it. No, company uses those goals to execute their strategy and generate more business. With modern HR solution you can guide your company towards those important focus points.

One solution with multiple benefits

New technology has made it possible to gather all needed functionalities into one cloud solution. Employee lifecycle can be saved and used in just one solution, starting from recruiting, to development and performance management through the years. Reporting becomes easier and accurate when you have all the needed information in one place without various documents and chart tables.








What changes when digitalization becomes part of human resources? How will HCM solutions evolve and how to find the right solution for your company without paying too much?

Digitalization effects HR’s needs in the future. Now is the right time to look available solutions and find the right one to support your business.

Why settle for a good when you can have the best?

The quality and usability are key features in modern cloud based HCM solution. HR professionals have become more and more aware about the next generation solutions and possibilities to use them as part of their own process development. Technology has taken giant leaps forward. Today’s solutions are born in mobile so they can be used from any device without any application download or extra costs.

Are you paying too much for your current system?

It can be a positive surprise when you check out the prices. Solution scales based on customer’s needs and without separate device or continuous updating costs customers pay for what they actually use.  No more hidden costs! With modern solution the use of system can be start on the next day if needed. This means no more long and expensive deployment projects!


Contact us to learn more!







It is time to introduce digitalization to HR. Will it bring HR closer to business core or is it a threat?

Digitalization is going to be one of the biggest changes in today’s business. Now it is finally HR’s turn to take full advantage about its possibilities!

New technology – endless opportunities

Old solutions, old technology. Let’s be honest, they have issues which aren’t going away. The next generation solutions have many functions that HR have previously only dreamed about. Combined performance and development information, real-time reporting and access to everyone from any device are few examples of the modern features. Unlimited scalability and global access are ground features for these next generation solutions.

Better usability and real-time reports

When we use different applications in our free time, usability has a major impact on our user experience and frequency. Why this isn’t requested feature in office applications? Especially in HR solutions that are supposed to be used by everyone in organization? When usability answers today’s needs, people will use work related applications more frequently. This means information and reports are always updated. Reporting becomes more and more useful when you can actually check how many sick leave days there are, where current recruiting process is going on and let’s not forget always important performance and development reports. Stop guessing and start using real-time reporting.








Many HCM solution promotes itself as a cloud solution. Are they? How do you know which one is a fake? It isn’t actually that hard to tell which one is a real cloud solution that brings your HR into this century.

Few key features tell you a lot. A long deployment process, continuous updating and complex integration projects are typical “features” of many so called cloud solutions. Not exactly very modern sounding.

Daily business sets many criteria’s for the real cloud solutions. These solutions must have new and innovative approach on how to actually execute easy to use user interface, provide scalable capacity and actual global access. These three features are the keys to usable HCM solution that actually supports your business. The next generation HCM solution does so much more than just reporting. It actually brings company’s strategy part of everyday work.

Traditionally the old cloud solutions need large updating projects and time to run these updates. Or even some on premise software that can’t be updated without a team of people outside your organization. A real cloud solution is always up to date because every customer is using the same version of the solution. This is the way to make sure every user has the best version on their use. Integrations have also been made easy through ready to use interface. This means no more long deployment processes that consume time month after month.

So why wouldn’t you choose the real cloud solution?



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Organization changes, business strategy updates and taking a good care of your employees while making successful new recruiting. There are lots of changes coming and going on these days so how to help and support human resources’ and management’s daily workload?

When changes happen it is crucial to inform how they will effect to employees everyday work. This isn’t rocket science but it can be quite challenging if company’s HCM (human capital management) solution makes everyday life unnecessary complicated and doesn’t support changes.

Guide performance and support growth – Can your current solution do this?

Solution that works well with goal setting and performance guidance supports both employee’s personal development as well as company’s growth. These are the basic features that can be found in the next generation HCM solution. The aim is to benefit the whole company through better understanding, guiding and information management. The next generation solution provides two-way communication channel for performance and goal setting. What could possibly support business better than actually working HCM solution that makes it possible to combine performance management together with daily business and strategy?

Successful recruiting and resource planning – The must have of every company

Making sure that your company has all the needed knowledge and resources has never been easier thanks to the next generation HCM solutions. With solution like this you can make the ends meet with real-time monitoring and make sure your company has the right resources, the best talents and they are working on relevant projects.

These and multiple other innovative features are the real reasons why you should explore the next generation HCM solutions and give a thought for change. Why use energy and time with solution that can perform just fine when there is solution that can do so much more than just perform?












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