
Actual information and visibility of present business status is needed for planning approaching business year. Without that different actions and needs cannot be specified, scheduled and budgeted. It is waste of time and history to dig out information of several excel sheets scattered around in various departments’ archives.

Pace of change is accelerating. New skills in companies are needed to be competitive. In a modern HR software it is easy to outline competencies needed and possible gaps on company, department and individual levels. The gaps can be presented graphically to quickly grasp an overall picture of the situation. Then it is easy to search for relevant trainings and to schedule as well as to budget them.
Successor planning is often left aside and considered to be done when time allows and there is nothing else to be accomplished. However, successor planning is crucial for ensuring smooth continuation of business conduct. In a modern HR software it is easy to outline competencies needed for various positions and search for them on company level. After that successor planning can be drawn also in graphical format on unit or team levesl to give a broader view. This can be directly linked to planning and budgeting of trainings.

It is important to be able to report position changes, the cycles and benefits generated. Holidays and other absences are easy to view in graphical format and plan extra labor force needed for example during summer season.

Managers can compile actual information about their own teams and units which allow HR to concentrate on other tasks. Planning and budgeting rounds are faster and relevant information always up to date.

Is your present HR software able to support you in all of the above?

Jaana Sirkiä
Marketing and Communications Manager

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